WMAC Resolution No. 07-245
WMAC Amendment No. 09-245
WMAC Amendment No. 12-094
WMAC Bylaws
WMAC Area (map)
Brown Act ;
WMAC 2011 Annual Summary
WMAC 2012 Annual Summary
(in chronological order with most recent at top)
Westport Village Roads Letter to MCDoT 5-3-2024; MCDoT Response 5-6-2024
CDP-2024-0011; WMAC Response 5-3-2024
Cahto Road Abandonment 5-4-2024; WMAC Letter to BOS 5-3-2024
Caltrans Slide Repair Presentation 3-7-2024
CDU-2023-0012 WVS; WMAC Response 1-11-2024
Fire Insurance Cost Escalation Issue: State Fire Marshall Maps Overview; and Detail of Village
2023-10-15 WMAC re:HCI Address Change;
2023-10-9 WMAC re:UM#2021-0005-JacksonGrube;
2023-9-7 WMAC re:UM#2021-0005-JacksonGrube;
2023-3-17 WMAC re:Hospital Tax;
2022-8-3 WMAC re:DeHaven Grant Support;
2021-12-2 WMAAC re:Clay Road Input;
2021-11-3 WMAC re:MCOG-RTP Input;
2021-10-28 WMAC re:Abandoned Vehicles;
2021-9-1 SB231 Final Law;
2021-9-1 CDU#2021-0029-Erikson;
2021-7-1 WMAC re:Fireworks;
2021-6-30 WMAC re:CDU#2015-0018-Jackson;
2021-5-10 SB231 Q&A;
2021-4-27 CDU#2021-0013Harshmeet;
2021-2-5 WMAC re:Adding ADU to LCP;
Draft Westport Economic Resilliency Plan 7-31-2020
ADU Ordinance 11-05-2019; Comments on ADU Ordinance
CalFire Grant Support 12-12-2018;
Caltrans Comments 5-11-2018;
Accesory Dwellings 12-31-2017
Camping Issue (map); Caltrans Camping Response
AP#2017-30 Comments;
CDP#2016-44 Comments;
Marijuana Permit Referrals (7-13-2017); Buchanon Permit (8-4-2017); Further Comments 9-6-2017; Marijuana Ordinance
Pacific Avenue Traffic Calming (8-3-2017)
Westport Transfer Station (6-7-2017)
Risse Violation (BC#2016-25); WMAC comment 4-7-2017 (4-8-2017); WMAC CDP Comments (6-9-2017);
CDP#2016-54 (Smith Trail at Ten Mile); WMAC Comments 4-7-2017 (4-8-2017)
CDP#2016-52 (Caltrans turnouts); WMAC_Comments (3-8-2017)
WMAC Broadband comments (2-27-2017)
Letter to Caltrans (1-11-2017)
Draft Cannabis Ordinance (9-1-2016)
Slide Repair PM 75.5-76.5
Draft MAC Policy by BOS (7-14-2016)
Draft LCP Amendment; WMAC_comments_5-10-2016
County Draft MAC Policy 4-11-2016
Caltrans Slide Repair Planning Report
CDP#2014-39; WMAC_comments_3-1-2016
WMAC to Caltrans 2-12-2016
WMAC 911 Comments 1-8-2016; HHSA 7-9-2015; HHSA 9-28-2015; County 911 Press Release 12-23-2015
Radar Speed Limit Request to Caltrans 6-12-2015; and Caltrans Response
Forest Practices Comments to BOS 6-12-2015
CDP#15-2014 (Roadside Callboxes)
CDP 6-2013 (Guardino)
Parks Forward Comments 11-6-2013
MacKerricher Dune Project Archives
CDP#18-2012 Caltrans Seaside Repair;
Broadband Grant Support 12-7-2012; Grant Details
Support for Haul Road RTP Grant
Public PCBR Comments; WMAC PCBR Comments 10-3-2012; WMAC PCBR Comments 12-5-2012
Jackson-Grube Permit Modification (CDUM-6-2006/2012)
Westport Speed Zone Study 2012; WMAC letter to Caltrans; and Caltrans Response
AB1589 Support Letter 3-17-2012
THP 1-11-101 (Denoyer) Comments 12-7-2011; THP 1-11-101 Comments 3-7-2012
Rockport Signage Letters
AB42 Support Letter 8-30-2011
CDB 25-2011 (Risse/Cutino); CDB 25-2011 Comments; CDB 25-2011 Approval
11-2011 (Logan)
Kibesillah Quarry Permit
National Ocean Policy ; and Strategic Action Plan Outlines
THP 1-10-139-MEN, WMAC Comments on THP; and Imazapyr Data (Herbicide)
MCOG Response 1-29-2011 and Highway 1 accident data summary
Coast Planning Office Closure 4-20-10
MLPA Options; Local Array; MLPA Letter 2-25-10; MLPA Letter 12-8-10; see also: www.dfg.ca.gov/mlpa
Letter to MCOG 9-22-09; MCOG Response 1-29-2011; and Highway Safety Meeting 5-5-2011
Broadband Grant Support Letter 7-21-09; Broadband Grant Support Letter 4-28-2011
CDP 13-2009 (Regalia)
Jackson-Grube Plans, Elevations, Wetlands, Traffic, Hydrology, and Geotechnical
Sosa Subdivision (CDMS 2-2002); Sosa Studies
Haagen-Smit Subdivision (CDMS 20-2008)
Caltrans (CDU 5-2009)
CDP 67-2008 (Mendocino Land Trust);
CDP 1-2009 (Caltrans)
CDP 64-2008 (County DOT)
CDP 26-2008 (Coastal Land Trust)
Cahto Road Letter 11-26-08
Comments on General Plan Update 10-3-08 and Draft GP Revision
Wave Energy 7-28-08; Wave Energy 12-10-08; PG&E Application 2-26-07 ; PG&E Preliminary Permit