Next Meeting of WMAC

The WMAC provides an opportunity for the local community to voice its suggestions and concerns to the County and other governement entitites. Meetings normally take place the First Thursday of each month unless that falls on a holiday or the meeting is cancelled. Meetings are held at the Westport Community Center at 24900 Abalone Street at 7:00 PM. All are welcome. You may also email comments and agenda suggestions to WMAC or mail them to WMAC at PO Box 307, Westport, CA 95488.

The next WMAC meeting is planned for Thursday March 6, 2024 at 7:00 PM at the Westport Community Center. Pertinent files can be downloaded below:

WMAC Agenda 4/6/2025 (pending)
Draft WMAC Minutes 9/5/2024 (Posted 9-27-2024)

For information about pending County permits please download the referral package(s) at: Public Notices

Note: Project information and comments are moved to the Documents page after initial WMAC consideration unless ongoing consideration occurs.